Super curricular

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pitch advice


I have thought about what intertextuality i could include in my magazine cover, it has been hard to find intertextuality references than to an artists previous work. 

I could use props/ accessories to incorporate  intertextuality like clothing, instruments, jewellery etc

Spray painted denim jackets i found in brick lane market 
Could be used in my double page spread for intertextuality


Friday, May 17, 2024

Audience research - Audience engagement

Audience engagement 

16-25 year old middle market audience that likes to be entertained 

Popular culture :

The target audience enjoys to actively engage in pop culture, being in the Gen Z demographic. This makes them more likely to use social media where pop culture is discussed and circulated. This audience is likely to be active, as they like to be entertained. Perhaps attending concerts and commenting on their favourite artists social media posts. The target audience likely follows mainstream pop culture as well as sub-groups as this demographic tends to immerse themselves in niche groups on social media for comfortability, stability and entertainment 

Audience research - market research

Market research 

I conducted some research into my target audience with a form asking about what magazines they read, how often and if they would read music magazines. I asked what type of music events they attend, to understand how my target audience like to be entertained. This allows me to understand the type of music the target audience enjoys, and if they would read a music magazine, why.

Link to results -

From this research I learnt that 

All people in the target audience never or rarely read magazines - I am going to create an engaging website to attract my audience to my print editions, having something of value to the target audience, e.g exclusive discounts for concerts/ festivals in the print edition.

4/7 participants would not read music magazines, the target audience is typically not interested in this type of magazine. 

The target audience uses social media primarily to get news from social media, i will use cross media convergence to engage audiences. 

The target audience seems to enjoy mostly r&b or pop music - I will use this as influence for my choice of genre for my print editions. 

All of the target audience attends festivals and concerts. I will use this as a coverline or feature article in my magazine 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Audience research- defining audience


Social media and technology play a key role in 16-25 year old’s lives. They are labelled as ‘digital natives’ as they have grown up with and around technology since they were born. This influences their engagement with social media platforms:

-        59% of 18-25 year olds use Instagram

-        18-24 year old users make up 37% of snapchat users

-        24% of TikTok users are 15-25 year olds 

They are more vulnerable to social media’s negative effects, such as mental health related issues, meaning they have a greater understanding of mental health issues and how important it is to be open and able to share feelings. 

This results in 16-25 year olds becoming much more emotionally intelligent, so will connect with media that pushes the boundaries that older generations have set in terms of stereotypes and opposing conventions. This is seen in multiple changes of representations of gender, class, sexuality and ethnicity. 


This demographic are much more likely to engage in social activism over global issues like climate change, due to communities and sharing of information online and through social media platforms.


16-25 year olds are more likely to be succeeders and explorers looking to further their own ambitions and opinions, away from mainstream and conventional thinking.


Middle Class:

Defined as a social group consisting of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers and teacher, who have good jobs and are not poor, but are not very rich. This group are within the BC1 demographic that make up 51% of the uk population. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Audience profile research

Audience profile:  

Name: Ella Smith 

Age: 20 

Gender: Female 

Occupation : University student / part time employed
Salary: £12,000

Location: South East England 

Psychographic : Succeeder/ Mainstreamer 

Values and attitudes: Active on social media, makes life updates and reshares posts to her friends. Attends University College of London (a Russel group). She enjoys socialising with her friends in London and attending concerts and gigs. She reads music magazines to keep up to date with upcoming concerts and events as well as buying merchandise advertised in magazines and social media of her favourite bands/artist. Keeps up to date with world events through digital media, not newspapers. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Audience research

 16-25 middle market audience who like to be entertained 

A digitally native audience
Gen Z.
Psychographic- Mainstreamer/ explorer 

Teen vogue statistics 2016 

Seventeen magazine statistics 2016 

Statement of intent



Industrial context


 Print production has evolved through the advancement of technology. Magazines were produced by hand until the printing press was invented and magazines could be mass produced. 

 Between 2017 and 2021, music magazines circulation fell by 90% to 1.8 million.

Almost every magazine has a website in conjunction, to target a digitally native audience.

The large drop in music magazine circulation has shown that to successfully target a 16-25 yr old middle market audience, i will need to create an engaging website, including intertextuality and cross media convergence to draw traction to the print editions. 

Magazines are primarily financed through advertising and subscriptions. The revenue from print sales goes to distributors. Advertising in print, is often criticised for reducing the space for copy and articles, which is what audiences are interested in. 

Magazines are distributed  often from the printers to the consumers. However, digital copies can be purchased through a magazines website. This change in the way consumers get magazines will influence my website, including digital content for audiences.

My magazine is produced by an independent publisher, so distribution methods will aim to be sustainable and eco friendly. 

Independent music magazine publishers - wax poetics 

Wax poetics have a full online magazine on their website. I am taking inspiration from this for my product. 

- idea for distribution, Urban outfitters. Matches target audience 

Audience research - focus group


Name : Zac Cooper 
Age: 17
Occupation: Student 
Location: Chalkwell, Essex 
Psychometric group: Reformer/ Mainstreamer 
Interests: socialising with friends, Indie music, Dancing, popular culture (social media), Geo-politics. 
Favourite magazine: Vogue 

“I rarely read magazines, and probably wouldn’t buy one. I enjoy listening to indie music and music I can dance to with friends. If a magazine had an aesthetic cover with an artist I enjoy featured, I would consider reading it, although I gain most news and current affairs from online platforms.”

Name: Emma Clark 
Age: 19 
Occupation: Student/ part time bar tender 
Location: Rayleigh, Essex 
Psychometric group: Mainstreamer/succeeder 
Interests: Sports/ football, house and r&b music, health/ wellness 
Favourite magazine: cosmopolitan

“I rarely read magazines but i am interested in house and r&b music. I listen to these genres through streaming services like Spotify and YouTube. My favourite artist is A Boogie With Da Hoodie and I would be interested in a featured of him in a magazine. I would also enjoy reading a magazine about sports.” 

Name: Brooke Baker 
Age: 18 
Occupation: student/ part time employment 
Location: Basildon, Essex
Psychometric group: Mainstreamer/ explorer 
Interests: Health & beauty, house and pop music, socialising with friends 
Favourite magazine: times magazine 

“ I read magazines from time to time, however I dont’ purchase them. I might read a magazine my parents or siblings have bought, or in a waiting room/ salon. I would not read a magazine about music, however I would be interested in magazines about festivals and concerts. I enjoy house music, if there was a magazine about upcoming house music events, I would definitely purchase it.”

Name: Kitty Callaghan 
Age: 16
Occupation: Student/ part-time waitress
Located: South woodam ferres, Essex 
Psychometric group: Mainstreamer
Interests: Health & wellness, travelling, house/rap music
Favourite magazine : Vogue 

“I dont often read magazines, and would chose to use social media or online news to find out about current affairs. I would purchase a magazine if it had a beautiful front cover or featured an artist I am interested in, to have as decoration/ a collection. I attend music festivals and concerts of rappers, pop artists and jazz artists, so would consider myself a lover of multiple genres.” 

Name: Kordel Rogers 
Age: 49
Occupation: Senior Human Resources business partner, Wilson James 
Located: Leigh-on-sea, Essex
Psychometric group: Mainstreamer/ Resigned 
Interests: Health & Beauty, Yoga, cooking 
Favourite magazine: women’s health 

“I often read magazines and newspapers, when travelling into London for work, however I don’t purchase magazines. I mostly read magazines about lifestyle or interior design. I would not be interested in music magazines. I mostly get news from online sources and I watch the news everyday. I would read any magazine with an article or feature of Stacey Solomon!” 

Name: Mark Rogers
Age: 56
Occupation: Full time self employed - consultancy 
Location: Thorpe Bay, Essex 
Psychometric group: Succeeder, Reformer  
Interests: Cars, cooking, the economy + politics

“ I have never read a magazine. I often read news papers and purchase them, but I would never buy a magazine. I enjoy rock music and music from the 60s - present. I would consider reading a magazine about an artist or band I enjoy listening to. I would prefer to watch a documentary about artists I listen to.”

Chosen brief

 I have chosen the print magazine brief because I am interested in creating an interesting production which successfully targets a 16-25 year old middle market audience. 


final draft

 website link -